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Easy monthly payments over 3-16 months.


Quick and Easy

Instant approval. No application required. No credit check.


0% Interest

Yep, thats right zero interest. No late fees or penalties either.


No hidden fees

Never pay more than the sale price. No hidden costs or surprises.


Price Details

We are pleased to team up with Split-it and to offer interest free installment plans for all of our US and Canadian customers.

How it Works

  1. On the checkout page select the Splitit payment option.
  2. Select the number of installments.
  3. Your credit card will be authorized for the entire amount of your order, but only charged for the 1st month’s installment.

For example, a $1,620 order using a 10 month installment plan would be charged $162 on the day the order is placed, $162 each following month for the remaining 9 months.

Currently only Visa, Discover and MasterCard are eligible (debit cards are not eligible).

For more details:

Average: 7 installments